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Health care for refugees in America

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Health care for refugees in America

Health care for refugees in America
How do I pay for health care?

Health insurance for refugees
Going to a doctor or to a hospital can cost a lot of money. That is why it is important to own health insurance. Your health insurance company will help you pay for medical costs
Medical assistance to refugees
When you first arrive in the United States, a resettlement agency will sign you for health insurance. Most refugees use a program called "medical assistance for refugees" during the first eight months after their arrival in the United States. If you have children or you are old, your health insurance may offer you through another program of government.

After eight months, you will need to have your own health insurance.

What is health insurance?
Health insurance, or medical insurance, is the amount of money you pay each month to an insurance company. The monthly cost of insurance is called the premium.

When you have medical expenses, the insurance company helps to pay them. A medical emergency or surgery can cost thousands

How do I get health insurance?
In the United States, you can:

Obtain coverage through government insurance programs (public health), or

Get insurance through your business with the help of your employer,

Or buy health insurance yourself.

To be covered is the same insured person. Both mean protection from having to pay big medical bills. It is better to pay the premium each month than to get a huge bill from the hospital.

Government health insurance programs
Are you qualified?
Eligibility means you can get something or are you eligible for something? This means that the government will decide if you and your family are eligible for various types of health care. When you decide whether you qualify, you are looking at how much money you earn, how many children you have, and how old you are. Once you start working, you can find your health insurance.

Health insurance program for families with low income and needy families (Medicaid)

Is a public health insurance program administered by the state in which you live. The program provides health care to individuals, low-income families or people with disabilities. Some refugee families receive Medicare when they first arrive in the United States. Eligibility criteria vary by state. Age is not a factor. Medicaid is funded by both the federal and state governments.

Federal Health Insurance (Medicare) Private Health Insurance for Refugees

Is the main health insurance program of the federal government (federal). Medicare is available for seniors aged 65 and over and some disabled citizens of all ages. It covers some of the costs of health care services and the payer receives the remainder. The Medicare program does not cover medical care for hearing, hearing, dental care and some other medications. For this reason it may be necessary to purchase additional private health insurance coverage as well. Medicare has an optional "Part D" plan to help with prescription drug costs.

Learn more about Medicare.

Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or CHIP, pays health care to families with young children. While Medicaid is a great resource for needy families, some families earn a lot of money to qualify for Medicaid, but they are still poor and can not afford private insurance. It is important that refugee families bring their children to the doctor for annual examinations and immunization. Chip is a good program because it will help you pay doctor appointments for your children and medical care.

Search your state for the CHIP program. .

Program for Women, Infants, Children (WIC)
Women, infants, and children are a state-run health care program that specifically helps children under the age of five, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. The program focuses on nutrition, food supply and improved access to health care and social welfare services. If you are low income and have a child, this is a good program.
state's WIC program For more information you can search

Private health insurance
Many Americans have private health insurance and do not use public health insurance programs. In the United States, companies often pay for private health insurance for their workers. Usually, the employer pays most of the costs and the employee pays a small amount.

Health insurance in the workplace
That means, that the company you work with will pay most of your insurance but you will still have to pay some money to the insurance company. The monthly cost of insurance is called premium. The monthly installment is the total cost of purchasing health insurance each month. Employees can usually choose to include the husband. the wife . Or any children who have the same health care insurance plan.

If you leave your job, you may be allowed to maintain your health insurance coverage through the Federal Consolidated Federal Budget Act, known as Cobra. The continued coverage through Cobra is only temporary and you may have to pay the premium

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Pay insurance without employer
If you do not have an employer providing health coverage, and if you are not eligible for a government program, you will need to buy private health insurance. This can be expensive. You may be eligible for help with your premiums through the Affordable Care Act.

Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as "ObamaCare", requires most US citizens and legal residents to obtain health insurance. But also allows you to purchase health insurance at a lower cost with the help of the government. You know if he can
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